4Plus Size & Curve Chains Space Dye Cold Shoulder TeeColor: LIGHT PURPLE Size: 2X | US 18-20arrived just on time to get me through a party with my family! everyone loved it! the fabric is soft and breathable, and this is the first time I've felt good wearing a cold shoulder!
Overall Fit: True to Size Height: 6' 0"06/07/2022 16:02:40S*****e
5Plus Size & Curve Chains Space Dye Cold Shoulder TeeColor: LIGHT PURPLE Size: 4X | US 26-28Thank you Rosegal, another order I'm totally satisfied with!! I love this style! 5x fit perfect..🌺✌🌹
Overall Fit: True to Size Height: 5' 6" Cintura: 122CM \ 48" Cadera: 134CM \ 52.8" Bust size: 38B09/11/2022 06:47:15